The NHS has seen a wave of strike action in 2022/23 – nurses, junior doctors, and most recently in July…
After many years of waiting, the long-term workforce plan for the NHS has finally been published, so what exactly does…
Contributors: John Lister, Paul Evans The most common view is that there are four basic ‘models’ of health care in the developed countries, although in reality many countries have a mix of models. 1. The private insurance model This approach has the least state involvement in direct funding or provision of health services. To get
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Contributors: John Lister, Paul Evans 5 Key Points Moving to social insurance would not necessarily lower the risk of underfunding as a steady stream of contributions is needed from the insured population, and if not high enough the quality and availability of care can be affected. Increasingly, countries with social insurance schemes are finding that
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Contributors: Sylvia Davidson, Paul Evans Key points Ony 3% of staff in NHS hospitals are employed in management roles a lot of staff hold management responsibilities whilst also working on the front-line in patient care employing full time managers will enable clinicians to focus on patient care. Top NHS executives paid far less than industry
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The social care system in England does not meet the needs of the current population, and going forward it will…
Universality It began with one straightforward aim - to give everyone in our society access to high quality healthcare, no matter where you live and regardless of your ability to pay. For many people the NHS removed the uncertainty around being able to access healthcare during sickness. The start of the NHS in 1948 coincided
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Patients will soon be able to get prescriptions for medicines to treat seven minor illnesses under Government proposals designed to…
10 evidence based reasons for sustained rises in NHS funding – More than expected, but half the sum needed, the…
The Labour leader, Kier Starmer, in a piece published by the Telegraph and on the BBC last weekend said his…