Please support our campaigning journalism and investigations. It is crucial to tell people what’s happening to their healthcare services, challenge decisions makers, counter misinformation and fuel campaigns with accurate, well researched information. 

You can help with our mission, to make sure that we all get access to the best healthcare,

Help us to investigate and report on the key issues for our NHS:

How can we make services fit local health needs?

How can we prevent sickness in future?

How do we keep the principles of the NHS alive?

Something this important needs the public and NHS staff to be informed and involved, to help secure the future of our healthcare.

Thank you

Paul Evans and John Lister

The Lowdown
Project leaders

Dear Reader,

If you like our content please support our campaigning journalism to protect health care for all. 

Our goal is to inform people, hold our politicians to account and help to build change through evidence based ideas.

Everyone should have access to comprehensive healthcare, but our NHS needs support. You can help us to continue to counter bad policy, battle neglect of the NHS and correct dangerous mis-infomation.

Supporters of the NHS are crucial in sustaining our health service and with your help we will be able to engage more people in securing its future.

Please donate to help support our campaigning NHS research and  journalism.