As autumn sets in and winter looms there are already worrying signs of another year’s winter pressures on the NHS,…
In the past five years numbers of nurses in England have risen by 4.6%: but the numbers of hospital admissions…
An unusual but potentially powerful campaign against the downgrade of A&E and acute services at Cheltenham Hospital is being led…
On April 1 diabetic eye screening services for all of Greater Manchester were moved from NHS hospitals and opticians to…
Ministers are now publishing correspondence with the EU negotiators that reveals the extent of their gross failure to prepare for…
While Prime Minister Johnson seeks pre-election voter popularity by reeling off a series of promises of “extra” funding that falls…
In what seems certain to be the last Labour conference before a further general election, decisions were made to call…
As we have discussed in previous issues of The Lowdown, the controversial process of merging Clinical Commissioning Groups is well…
As we publish this issue (28 Sept) Prime Minister Johnson is set to announce a £200 million cash injection to…
Eight months after an initial judicial review failed to rule against the downgrading of Children’s A&E and Maternity by South…