A private equity-owned company that holds contracts for almost 50 GP surgeries in London has been found to be in…
Survey of 19 Integrated Care Boards (part 2 of 2), Key points: (West Midlands, South East and South West of…
The latest raft of performance figures have shown that the NHS is still mired in a chronic capacity problem and…
Press reports of the wafer-thin reduction in the NHS waiting list in England were divided, with some reports buying the…
Doctors were shocked to discover the latest cash-saving wheeze from NHS England to axe the dedicated mental health support for…
But while hospital beds clog up with thousands of patients who cannot be discharged for lack of services to support…
Tackling poverty and its negative effects on health should be as high a priority as addressing the NHS waiting lists,…
The Urgent and Emergency Care Situation Reports (Sitreps) published by NHS England show that for the week 12-18 February the average…
The scale and weight of GP antagonism towards plans in North West London to roll out a system of “same…
John Hutton signed off thirteen NHS Private Finance Initiative (PFI) building projects as a Labour health minister in 2002 (see…