A trust has said it has no plans to pull out of its contract for a troubled radiology information system, shortly after its leaders considered terminating the deal early.

A paper to a meeting of the board of Dartford and Gravesham Trust at the end of last month said “in the longer term the trust plans to give notice on the RIS contract” provided by GE Healthcare.

It said the trust planned, as an alternative, to extend another IT system used at its Queen Mary’s Hospital site, to its main site at Darent Valley. The paper, a report by the quality and safety committee, said: “The business case is scheduled to go to the finance committee.”

However, the trust subsequently told HSJ it did not plan to pull out of the contract.

The system suffered a hardware failure, which saw the radiology information system, which serves all of Kent and Medway, out of service from 28 August to 5 September….read more

HSJ: 7 October 2016

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