Doctaly, the start-up company pairing NHS GP practices with private fee-paying patients, has signed deals with 36 UK GP practices.

This includes 35 practices in England, as well as latest sign-up Lockthorn Medical Centre based in Dumfries, Scotland.

The service is the first online platform in the UK that supports NHS GPs to see private patients.

VIa the app, GPs offer 15-minute consultations which cost £39.99 to £69.99 depending on the time and day of the week.

Earlier this year Doctaly, which has described its service as ‘Uber-style’ after the taxi-hailing app, secured funding from 1,185 large and small investors via crowd-funding.

GPs were being enticed to join Doctaly with added benefits when they invested in the campaign, and the company has said it is looking to recruit ‘as many doctors as possible’ from across the UK….read more

Pulse: 23 April 2018

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