The GPC has told NHS managers that every practice should be compensated for the significant extra workload they have had to take on as a result of the ‘systematic failure’ stemming from the handover of primary care support services to the private provider Capita.

The GPC sent a letter to NHS England most senior management to highlight the ‘serious and systemic failure’ of the relaunched primary care support service, for which it is ’ultimately responsible’.

Capita has said that they have introduced new procedures in a bid to alleviate the problems for practices.

Pulse has written extensively about the problems with Primary Care Support England, which has seen practices accumulating piles of uncollected patient records, missing payments, and left without vital practice supplies.

The GPC has raised these issues with Capita, but the letter states that interim solutions have heaped more workload and costs on practices and things have not improved ‘despite reassurances’ made weeks ago….read more

Pulse: 11 May 2016

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