GPs leaders in England are pushing ahead with plans to develop new structures that will enable GPs to carry out more private work in a bid to increase GP funding, Pulse has learnt.

The chair of Oxfordshire LMC told Pulse that they have been in discussions with LMCs across England about implementing new structures by the end of the year that will allow GPs to charge fees for carrying out non-contractual work.

Current rules prevent GPs from charging their own patients for care, but Oxfordshire LMC chair Dr Prit Buttar said they have developed models using third-party companies that would ’allow practices to take on what they want’.

The LMC said last year it was developing a ‘Plan B’ to take GPs out of the NHS, following the lead of Northern Ireland, where the GPC is set to vote on collecting practice resignations later this month.

It was, in part, a response to the UK GPC abandoning plans to ballot practices on mass resignation from the NHS, after receiving reassurances from NHS England that it was willing to consider the GPC’s proposals to alleviate pressures on GPs.

Dr Buttar told Pulse that the plans for GPs to provide more private services at the expense of NHS work have moved forward, and he expected to have a model for alternative working in place by the end of 2017….read more

Pulse: 24 January 2017

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